Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seven Things

I saw this on another's blog and thought I would adapt it...seems fitting for my first ever entry!

Seven Things I Love

1. My husband
2. My kiddos I mean puppies - Princess Layla & Mystic's Culprit. They make me laugh and exasperate me at the same time!
3. Pineapple Pie
4. A rainy day in Texas
5. A cool Tennessee Fall day - Oh how I miss them
6. Rusty Stars
7. Starbucks Raspberry Mocha Frappacino (OMG)

Seven Things I Hate

1. Dog hair (I love them, but man I hate sweeping that hair every day!)
2. Self-centered people
3. Reality TV (Enough Already!)
4. Monday mornings (I'm not through sleeping in for Heaven's sake!)
5. To be running late for work (Even though I don't always want to be there, I hate to be pressed for time - it's a bitch doing your eyes at 80 mph!)
6. The smell of baked fish
7. Summer heat (I know, I know...I do live in Texas!)

Seven Things You Might Hear Me Say

1. Culprit, Layla, Get Off of Me!
2. Get Out!
3. She sure is pretty but she ain't too smart! (Gotta love that Paula Deen!)
4. I love you more!
5. This is disgusting! (If you know me, you know my GHI shakes...hence the DISGUSTING!)
6. I need a taster! (I'm always hard at work to make healthy changes to old standby recipes.)
7. That's the end?!!!

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