Today is the most wonderful day of the year for me. This is the day that my dearest friend became my sweet husband thirteen years ago. We have been through so much through the past years, my husband’s disability and four-year fight with social security, my PCOS-induced infertility, college, my change of career paths, sickness and family death. Through it all, we have remained side-by-side, united, best of friends and a little more in love with each day that passes. There are those days when my stress and hormones get the best of me and I could just smack him – don’t we all have those days – but I thank God for making this sweet and caring man just for me. Happy Anniversary To Us!
Added Note: My husband took me to the coziest, most wonderful little spot for dinner, The Library. We have several friends who love to relax after a long day in this quiet little spot but we haven't had the opportunity to try it out. Well, tonight was our night. We were greeted by twinkling white Christmas lights, a winding brick walkway, an old wooden porch, and the friendliest hostest & staff you could ever ask for. Although we didn't have a reservation, they took us right in when they found out it was our anniversary, gave us the best table in front of the fireplace complete with drippy candles, lush cushy chairs and the crackling fire. Our dinner was amazing, the best ribeye steak these Texas beef eaters have ever placed in their mouths! And then there was DESSERT!!! Our lovely waitress brought out this beautiful display...Italian Cream Cake, Chocolate Layered Mouse, Coffee Ice Cream Cake. OMG, it was heavenly! This is most certainly our new go-to place to reconnect, unwind and enjoy a quiet evening. Wish you were here!

The Happy Couple at 13 Years & Counting!
Deb Happy Anniversary! I hope the next 13 are as wonderful!
Oh Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!! The Library sounds like a place I would really really really love.
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