I planned ahead for this hectic day, my first day back at work after a very long Christmas vacation. I seasoned my chicken with a delicious blend of Italian seasonings and olive oil last night and let it marinate over night in the fridge. This evening, it was ready for Hubby to slide in the oven just in time to make the house smell divine when I walked in the door. Let me just say, the house smells fabulous & my mouth is watering!
Ingredients:1 Whole Chicken, cleaned, washed & dried
Italian Seasoning
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Olive Oil
Directions:After cleaning, washing and drying off chicken, sprinkle
generously with your favorite Italian seasoning, garlic powder, sea salt and black pepper. Drizzle chicken with olive oil and rub spices into skin. This is great if you can season, cover and refrigerate overnight, but if not, that’s okay too. Place chicken into baking pan and slide into preheated 400 degree oven. Bake for 1 ½ - 2 hours depending on the size or until juices run clear when thickest part of chicken pierced if you do not have a thermometer, basting the chicken periodically with the cooking juices in the pan.

I make many different baked or roasted chickens, but this one tends to be our go-to chicken when we want a good old-fasioned dinner around the table. This one is fantastic with parmesan and garlic seasoned pasta or your favorite potato dish. I like to serve it with a side of Brown Rice Pasta seasoned with garlic, parmesan cheese, olive oil and a dash of sea salt & pepper. MMM MMM! My taste buds are sooo excited over this one! I never met a chicken I didn't love!
Hi there fellow Texan! Aren't you the cleaver one to have dinner ready to come home to after that dreaded first day back to work. It looks yummy!
I never thought to let the chicken marinate with olive oil and seasoning overnight-I'll have to try your method next time I roast a chicken. And isn't brown rice pasta awesome? It's one of my new favorite things!
I love roasting chickens. so yummy. But that's a great idea to have it ready and have hubs put it in the oven. I will have to do that, just never thought of it.
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