Sunday, July 3, 2011

I was faced with the challenge of eating out yesterday, for both meals, and sticking to my allowed meal plans.  I'm proud to say I ate, enjoyed myself with friends and lost 1 lb for the day! 

Meal One - I was at the office all afternoon on Saturday and ran out of the house without my lunch.  What to do? What to do?  I went to Chick-fil-A and grabbed a Chargrilled Grilled Chicken Salad.
By now, I can pretty much eyeball protein and veggies and select 3.5 ounces  of protein or 1/2 of each of my two veggies.  I ate 3.5 ounces of the chicken, 1/2 cup of the lettuce and my tomatoes.  I ordered the salad without dressing, I didn't eat the cheese, and I didn't open the croutons or sunflower seeds.  The salad that was left over, I took it to my sweet mama to go with her dinner.  While it's not recommended to go out to eat, sometimes it is a necessity, and it can be done! 

Meal Two - A friend came into town and we wanted to get together for dinner to visit.  I selected Cheddars because I knew they had veggies that I enjoy every time I go there.  I ordered a sirloin steak, green beans and steamed broccoli.  While the green beans were way over salted for my tastebuds that haven't had salt in 12 days, it was a pretty "legal" meal all things considered.

I was not going to beat myself up this morning if I jumped on those scales and there wasn't a loss, but I was so proud when I looked down and I was down another pound!

This can be done.  I can do this.  I am doing this. 

1 comment: said...

Way to go Deb! Determination! You've got it girl!

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